I approached XICOM BIZ to develop a mobile (android) app for us. Our deal started with a fixed bid on Elance and I paid the initial deposit they have asked for.
At the time of finalizing the deal, XICOM BIZ was an open mouth and was bragging about their skills and manpower and everything else. But the first scam they made was to write ambiguous points in the SRS. This SRS was approved by me before the project started.
Im not a very technical person so I understood that the SRS is meeting my overall requirement and gave them a go ahead. Least did I know that they would be using this SRS in future to scam me.
Only a few days after I signed the contract with Xicom Biz, they started playing a cheap game. They said certain SDKs and API that were crucial for the project has been updated and they would need more time and money to settle it with my app to keep my app updated.
This practice continued for a while, and they asked additional payment for few other features which I needed in my app and which I also mentioned during our initial discussions.
The project was suppose to get finished within 3 months but continued till 5 months, and yet was incomplete.
After a while I started feeling that XICOM BIZ is nothing but a fraud company, and I was reluctant to invest any more money on the project. So I asked for source codes. To my astonishment they demanded full payment for my incomplete app, saying that as per their company policy, they cannot deliver the code unless the full project payment has been received.
So I raised an arbitration. Later they agreed to deliver me the source code without the final payment. I took the source code and reached an another developer this time a small freelancer, who confirmed that the code has multiple flaws, and does not have many important modules. The freelancer confirmed that this code is useless to finish the product and would have to be built from the scratch.
After 5 months wasting my time with Xicom and fighting with them for one more month, I was left with nothing. XICOM BIZ employs a group of fools in name of developer, and trains them to cheat people. I am all set to lodge a lawsuit against them now.