Its just as mindlessly outrageous as the first two. Epect tons of fighting, martial arts, shooting, chases, explosions, and over -the-top stunts. Little blood is shown, but bad guys are killed with no repercussions.
Main character Xander cage sleeps with only one lady .
Theres some innuedo and pretty regular use of strong language , including sh* t, a* ho* le, b* tch and one fu* k
Theres some social drinking, but the somking from original XXX isnt an issue this time
This action sequel is heavy on stunts, noise, fight , shoutout and the objections of women but very light in the intelligence.
The stunts in movie are outrageous
including jumps, surfing on bike, weightless fight etc
overall movie has good action but story line is nt up to the marks. and xxx is knw for its stunts which are too good.