When XXX the movie first was release I didnt go to see it because I heard it was terrible. My Husband came home last night with it. He had rented it and so I had to watch it.
The Movie was release in August of 2002. It was Directed by Rob Cohen. The Rating is PG 13.
Vin Diesel plays Xanger Cage, (XXX)
Samuel L. Jackson plays Augusuts Gibbons who works for the National Security Agency
Marton Csokas plays Yorgi who an former Russian Army Commador
Asia Arento plays Yelena who is Yorgis Mistress
This want-to-be James Bond Movie is about a Sports Expert who has a tatoo on his back that is XXX. He hates the Senator and Rock Music.
The opening sceen shows him sealing the Senators Corvette and driving it very fast he plunges it off a Bridge. While the Car is falling he is standing on top of it. He uses a parachuet to get off of it at the last possible minute.
What he did became public knowledge and he is put on the F.B.I.s Most Wanted List and he is expecting to be arrested.
He gets a phone call from Augustus Gibbons who needs new People to liven up the NSA. When you see Gibbons is face is covered with scars.
He tells Xanger that he would rather send him to to spy camp rather than to jail. Augustus tells him that before he can get him off the Most Wanted List and into the NSA he must pass a test.
His first assignments is to go undercover and try to become part of the Russian Crime Mob called the Anarchy 99 Group, (they love Heavy Metal Music and go to the places the Bands are playing to sell Drugs), that is headed my Yorgi.
When he meets Yorgi he uses an accent and lets him see the tatoos on his body. Yorgi is convinced that he is a mobster and lets him get closer to him and of course Yelena.
The Anarchy 99 Group mission is to create mayhem and devestation. XXX mission is to get the low down on what the Group is up to and pass on the information to the NSA.
Throughout the movie there are a lot of surprises but Im not going to tell you them because I never reveal the ending of a Movie.
I have never heard any of these songs before and I dont know who the Artists were.
1. Prague Arrival
Washington Searches for the Right Man
A Distorted View of the World
Czech Cavalry
Anarchy 99
The Changing Science of Ahab
A Kiss on the Rooftop
El Jefe in the Colombian Drug Fields
Finding Paradise in Bora Bora
Lions and Gibbons
Motorcycle Assault
In Xanders Zone
Your Eyes Give You Away
X Marks the Spot
Xanders motives are not always clear but some of them are interesting. I found him to be a likable character in spite of his cool stance.
Every now and then there was some humor. For example when hes in a room being tortured by having his hands tied above his head. The Man who is tortuing him asks, Is there any thing you want to tell me? XXX says, Yea youre short!
I thought the Stunts were the best thing about this Movie. If you see it they will amaze you.
I like Rob Cohens Movie The Fast And The Furious, (Vin Diesel was the star in this film too), much better and I wish he had used his talents doing a better job of Directing XXX.
Maybe I was hoping this Movie would be more like a James Bond Film. It is similar because of the stunts, the bikinis worn by the Women and the gadgets. It just wasnt as good as a Bond Film and I was disappointed.
I may not have liked it because I dont like Heavy Metal Music that is used through out the Movie.
This maybe a Mans Flick with all the Chicks in the teeny weeny itsy bitty bikinis and the stunts. I like Movies that have a more serious plot.
In the Travel Industry when we want to cancel a file on our computer we type XXX
Thats what I would like to do with this Movie. I dont recommend it to you.
Comments are welcome and ratings dont matter.