XXX : Uncensored ia an another storyless Half Porn Webseries by Alt Balaji directed by Ken ghosh.
Its like a typical commen story with half porn. A man pick a girl from road at night they have exchanged some sxx stories.
This webseries divided in 5 episodes plus 1 bonus episode which is not linked with other 5.
1st episode is "big boss"a story of gigolo who have a big thing
2nd episode is "Sumitra ji"a payback time
3rd episode is "bidai"a bride intimate with a thief.
4th episode is "chota Vishal"you can imagine the story with name
5th episode is "The climax"
And the final episode "Love portion"is sxx come horror story.
All story main motive is sxx , nudity and half porn.
Total bakwas.