Websites that misuses web service technology.An observation which I call a side effect of Web2.0 concept, many of the community websites are openly misusing web service technology to increase their member base by invading everyone’s privacy under false identity.
If the opening sentence appears confusing, read this:You get a mail which says “ABC wants you to join, click here to Join else ABC may think you said NO to his/her request” (See image). You know that person, so click YES or ACCEPT and you’re taken to registration page of that website, where you’re required to enter your email password besides other details.
Without knowing the impact, you provide your email password as well and proceed with browsing the site. Next moment, everyone in your email contact book get an invitation, saying you’ve invited them to join…Later say while chatting, you tell ABC that you’ve accepted his/her invitation, he/she says he/she never sent you any invitation at all.
If you’ve experienced above scenario, you might be wondering why this is happening or what is going on. This post gives you full details.