I have been using Yahoo Messenger for more than two years now. When I first started with the service, I was not impressed. I preferred AOL Messenger and used Yahoo for only a couple of friends.
In the last few months, however, Yahoo has greatly improved their messenger service. They have added many new features and options. They have now far surpassed AOL Messenger, in my opinion.
Their many new features are:
Web Cam
You can now use your web cams with Yahoo Messenger. This allows you to see and be seen while chatting. The web cam feature is very easy to use and saves a bundle on long distance.
Voice Chat
You can now also communicate orally on Yahoo Messenger. This allows you to speak directly to your buddy instead of merely typing.
IM Vision
The newest feature is IM Vision. This allows you to add different background while you are chatting. Some of these include a fish tank, falling snow and a couple of comic strips. There are a few surprises in store when you use these, too.
Yahoo Messenger has also made it very easy to add buddies, search for friends and set up conferences for more than two people. Yahoo has made great strides in the past few months in improving their messenger service.
I would highly recommend this for anyone who wishes to chat online or keep in touch with friends and family far away. Best of all, it’s free!