Because chat rooms have become redundant on internet with Bots occupying the most of space MSN closed its chat room and introduced the concept of community building with myspace.However Yahoo still kept on experimenting with chat rooms and lately joined MSN in community building endeavours rivalling it with Yahoo 360.Yahoo 360 is one of the greatest thing to happen from Yahoo, who are always doing something innovative.The 360 concept aims at building web community with multiple channels.Now they have merged Mail, Chat msgr , site feed and Blogging facility at one can add frnds and have favourites with whom you can have contacts as you wish.Look into others Friends list and make chains too .Its simply great.You can have messanger contacts on your list and add anybody as favourite without making him known about it.Your friends will be frequent visitors to your page and friends of friends will be next .However chain goes on and gradually you strat becoming familiar with several other people listed over there.This way one gets aware of his/her Point of Views.Not only this you can also send email without knowing others email adress.Infact one email box is embedded in your 360 page itself, every time you recieve a new mail you get alerts into your mailbox (which can be non-yahoo too).You also get alerts whenever your messenger friends make their own 360 page, so that you can add them.
However messenger facility embedded in the page is vulnerable to desclosing your chat ID and hence is not very popular among many users who love their privacy.With customised settings available one can switch off the messenger too.
The site has arrived on internet in competition with myspace, friendster and hi5.Although it has become very popular among users because of many chatroom users instantly shifting to this mode, its real performance needs to be assessed in times to come.