I like the approach and the strategy of Yahoo. Yahoo was my first ever email account. I have three other ids now. Yahoo is the most trusted of all.
The greatest thing about Yahoo is that they have never thought of charging the users. Instead they have always looked forward to increase their user base and make the money from the advertisers. They have never spammed me with promotions and offers
With the updation to 100 Mb storage space. I dont need to even think about other mails which are less reliable. The features are also rich in yahoo. One can use the id for various services like chat, groups, mobile etc. I feel the spam protection in Yahoo is better because sites like rediff bounces mails from some sources even if it is not a junk.
The antivirus was slow initially. Now the speed is a lot better than how it was earlier. Now we have the preview option and we can send mail of upto 10 Mb which is great for office users like me when we have to send big files to our clients, collegues or superiors for review
The only complain I have on Yahoo is the speed, though it is not very slow, it is slower than many of its competitors.
It would be better if they make the pop access also free.