Hi I have a Yamaha Crux, 2006 model. I have run 35, 000 kms now. The engine is not so powerful but yet it meets all my requirements every time and on time. I love Yamaha. I have an RX100 also. Yamaha is simply superb-irrespective of the model. My crux gives me pretty good mileage and it does’nt take me to a mechanic often. Always reliable –It was in 50s when I was maintaining well, and now it is in 40s. Its been a long journey and my speedo meter has completed two rounds already. I love travelling.
My bike is worn and torn almost. I never get any serious problems in my bike, and has been with me as a best friend all time since its born.its mileage is satisfactory. over all performance is good. it should have a fuel-meter. the rear shock absorber should have been a bit stronger. Rest nice.