This scooty is one of the best in comfort its milage is not that much good but its okk type my scooty consumed 30 liter per kilometers but the saller say that it will give more than 50km bt it dont and its mazimum soeed is less then 110 but I reached at 110 it show analog meter not a digital meter its a 113cc scooty and due to small size of tyre we cant do much bending for turning coz of tubeless or may be we cant do racing with it with bikes of same cc. Its have a dish brake in front n drum brake in back its breaking is nic keeping as we want bt it dont have any charging point no digital meter no abs breaking bt it have both self n kick stater both can be used its light is not so power ful that we cant see distance thing clearly at night time and its have halogen light nd its spring is so good n suspension is soo nic that it used to get bounce most of the time and the spare parts are so cheap that anyone can buy and in free servicing they used to take only 530rs amd they make as new scooty bt the scooty is soo big that its difficulty to over take from small place with it we cant overtake from small place it require little big space to overtake something and the fuel capacity is 5 liters below 300 rs its tank get full bt dont give much milage to run for short distance it consume maximim fuel n for long distance it consume less fuel bt while u switch off the scooty nd drive it still it will consume fuel it have 1 cylinder nd 4 stoke engine it require petrol which is now so costly the pickup it take little time to get speed at instant it can take almost only 30-40 kmph it take much time for pickup speed of 80-90 compare to other
Bt its look is soo awesome from front nd its indicator looks nice and its have a battery which is powerful of 12v and 10a may be and it cost nearly about 68000 approx on road price in shillong