Hello guyz,
the enticer is basically an cruser bike design and it is avaliable in different metallic colours and the main reason to buy this bike is that is a four strike and gives a good mileage as a four stroke bike is expected to give that much to its owner.
it is fabulous experience to ride the enticer as it gives maximum comfort to the rider coz of its seat design u are really really comfortable....and the handle to its overall design makes u feel much more easy to handle the bike....on various road conditions.......
the bike gives a pretty good mileage 50+ is definetly accomplished in any road conditions.
the riding conditions is too good as it is a cruser bike mode the ride is smooth with a new vehicle and it is easy n it has a five speed gear box top ends reach upto 100kmph.
this vehicle is suitable for all types of people basically it suits the younger generation as the design is liked by them more than the older generation.
taking into account the mileage it suits everyones tastes.
it suits all types of people small built med built and people with large frame.
people who think that a cruser bike should have more bhp and power should not opt for this , coz this is a bike suited for indian road conditions it has its own features.