When the Enticer was launched .. all assumed it to be the knocked down version of the Eliminator. One thing is assured .. it is a knocked down version of it. If the Eliminator is priced at Rs. 80000 and the Yamaha at Rs. 50000 /- you can be assured something is missing.
No Self start, no Disc Brake, no 5th Gear. Add it all up and you get the difference in price !!! And to top it all up, Yamaha is advertising it as a CRUISER BIKE !!! Please ... be real !
Driving comfort wise ... short distances are ok .. but if you plan to drive for long times .. its not good on the back. Plus , pillion driving can be a bother while negotiating turns, the steering handle can jab in your knees and making quick turns is out of the question. the Brake lever can make your ankles hurt, very uncomfortable position.
While driving, the moment you hit 60 kmph, the bike says enuff... no more speed and then you miss the 5th gear. You keep on searching for the 5th and the bike also wants the 5th to be engaged.. alas no 5th !!! so either drive slow .. or put in a 5th by your indegenius repair man.
Mileage is good because of the missing 5th and resultant lack of speed. The redeeming factor being the looks of the vehicle, though the color schemes cud definitely be better.
The reason one is buying the vehicle is due to the cruiser looks, but then it is not and definitely shud not be tricked into thinking it is !!!