First of all the bike is not comfortable as the leg and back are not aligned properly, secondly it is an insult to cruiser bike such bikes have minimum 250cc engines and third reason is it is cheap and small Imitation of an Harley Davidson and noting is original about it.
Isn?t it funny and amusing to see that the most successful scooters in India like kinetic Nova135cc, Kinetic ZX Zoom 110cc, Honda Eterno 150cc, Bajaj Chetak 145cc, LML Select II 150cc, and LML Prithvi 150cc are of the same or more powerful than the average Indian bike which are between 100-150cc. As you can see most of the scooters are more powerful than the bikes available.
I just cannot understand the concept behind this, please make me understand. When I last wrote about bringing in more powerful bikes people informed me about the average Indian consumer who has to see the fuel economy of the vehicle.
Than why the hell they buy these scooters, which are more powerful, don?t they realize that this also will affect the fuel economy?
It is really very disturbing to notice that international companies are bringing down the status of a bike to a moped. I believe that all bikes below or 125cc are mopeds in disguise of a bike. When will these companies realize that many Indians now want a Real Bike, to feel a bike? As it is, there are plenty of different models available in 100-150cc segments.
I hope they don?t introduce such bikes when petrol prices will reach Rs 100 per liter.
Do you agree with my point?