Review : If God had made the world in eight days then the story would have been truly different. after he had made man on the sixth day, he would rest, then after resting on the seventh day god would make YAMAHA so as to tell man that nothing works as far as statistics are concerned the numbers dont matter because it is the heart that is important and thats what YAMAHA is all about. what I speak of is the YAMAHA ENTICER DELUXE. the enticer delux is a puny 125cc cruiser but it roars like a lion. it behaves just like how sea biscuit behaves(remmember the movie sea biscuit) it actually is the smallest horse(read-cruiser) on the race track(read-road) but it thinks of itself as the largest horse and boy does it run. they say sea biscuit ran fast because of its heart. all yamaha cruisers in the world are not the largest cruisers in their segment. yes folks it is yamaha enticers heart that makes it go so fast.. fast because it is faster than the eliminator on the road. I speak of the enticer delux cause I own one and have beaten all the eliminators that have come my way. but you say cruisers are not meant for going fast but for comfort... well if you own an eliminator then you sure will have great abs because you stretch yourself so much that youd think you are mr. fantastic. the enticer delux eliminates all eliminators with its sound (bajaj please make cruisers that roar) the eliminator sounds like a pussy compared to the enticer. the mileage factor is most important as far as us indians are concerned well she gives me 45kms per litre ----->>>[(the DAMN truth) ] she has an electric start and has a disc in the front.... she looks hot in truly royal red......... she costed me 66, 000 Rs. in march 2005 now this why you must not buy an eliminator???? because of its slash in price every third guy will ahem.. boast of owning one since the enticer has been stopped from manufacture the real bad condition ones will die out in ten years and then we will have a new legacy like all yamahas in india. this wont happen to the eliminator because bajaj like most indian manufacturers tend to GHISSAO(mumbai slang) models it means that they make maximum fools out of customers by sellin the same old bike just after a few cosmetic changes... buy an enticer and remmember that it is the heart that matters and not size