I bought this Vehicle on December 2002. Its almost one & half year riding this Bike. Till date I have not faced any problems. I bought this bike because of its dashing looks and of course the reputaed company Yamaha, known for its maintenance free vehicle. And again Yamaha has proved that they are No 1 in providing maintenance free Vehicle.
Now days we have choice for Kick Start & Auto Start with more colours.
I would say just go for it.
The superb Look.
Averae milege 40 to 45 KM / liter.
Maintenace free bike.
Low Seat with foot rest , so if you are on a long drive, nothing great like Enticer.
Its engine although it of YBX 123.34 CC, still its good.
With proper air pressure in Rear wheel ( 32-34 ), you can ride till 100 KM/hr .
Those who are fond of long drive on bike, Decent average, stylish look they can just blindly turst this bike.
The person very much tall, looks for high end average, alredy having Pulsar, would not like to go for this.