Is a good bike, Oh u got now the long waited for disc brakes and auto starts. Its almost 3 months since I have bought this. No probs , all coool cool cool. Very comfortable and she wears a Lavendor silver color( people say has a very sexy color).
Less price , value for money. I hope if Yahama thinks of little more power in this around 180 cc will do gr8. Still this is as much powerful as needed for the city drive. I bet u wont repent unless u crave for that high pull yahama 135 kind of stuff.
Gr8, go ahead and buy it.
My feeling: I feel more personal about her and She is great and while riding and she has figure u need in her and very gripping and steady. I love being with her than any other bike. When she moves u feel she is just gliding along all rough and good surfaces taking u along with great smoothness and great composure. Hey man buy and watch for that.