Yamaha the name itself lets a person know the quality of the bike. I have purchased this bike in early 2000. At that time the production of the 2-stroke 4-gear version of the Yamaha RX135 (with the classic exhaust) was being stopped. I was one of the last persons to get hold of this version of the Yamaha RX135, which is no longer in production.
I just love this bike. I used it in a very rough manner, give it to other people (2-3 times in a year). And it has never let me down. The engine seems to take all the beating and still it is running very smoothly. I did face minor problems, like starting problems (changed the stater), minor electical faults etc. But, as far as the basic running of the machine, I did not face ANY problem. I have done ~ 32, 000 KMs till date.
What I like most in this bike is that it is very comfortable to ride. I have also driven other bikes (Splendor, Passion, Max100, Shogun, and lots of others), but I never found them to be as comfortable as the Yamaha. The Yamahas engine is placed lower to the ground and it is shorter than other bikes. It gives you more balance, confidence and comfort. The frame is very strong.
The only drawback is the mileage. If maintained properly, the bike can give you 40-45 Kmpl. If a person is buying a new one, I will advise him to use the bike for the first 1000 km very nicely. No speeding, no high throttle and do not give it to others. If it is maintained properly for the first 1000 Km, then the mileage will stabilize and after that no matter how you use it, you can still get the same mileage (+- 5km). Do no opt for the huge back tyre. It will reduce the mileage a lot.
This is a classic bike for all people. A teenage, family guy, bachelor or anyone. It has been around 4 years since I purchased one, it is still going great. The bottom line is that this is the BEST bike, and if maintained properly, you will like it in ALL aspects.
AND if you know a bit about doing minor works on a bike like tightening of screws, washing the air filter, refilling the gear oil, etc.. then you need not visit the dealer at all.