I bought Yamaha Rx-135 on 2000 end. From childhood it was a dream for me. End of 2000 RX-135 model was going to stop. But I don’t know why Esc*rts took this decision. I think they were suppose to giving a chance to other Motor company to take over the market. I have a strong attachment with this bike, from my mother to my girlfriend this bike has always stood by me, and I believe it will be my companion forever, ever and ever.
Honestly in the Indian bikes market like Ferrari, It’s my request to esco*t Yamaha if you want to re-launch Yamaha -135 plz don’t change any thing keep everything intact, look wise, pickup wise, mileage and control wise it is sexy and superb! It’s a world class no 1 bike , I love Rx-135……... Finally no matter where you are and whatever you doing the friend in deed is a Yamaha - 135