As the name is Fascino the new Yamaha Fascino is totally fantastic.i was looking for a scooty and one of my friend told me about Yamaha Fascino.After using it for 5 months I can now say that its worth buying.Its design is very elegant and classy .Its looks are totally amazing than other vehicles available in this category and it stands apart from normal scooties.Driving in this vehicle is quite smooth and can continuously drive with joy and without any discomfort. one thing which I noticed while driving that the engine makes a little extra noise which increases as you increase the speed.One can use this for short as well as long distance travelling.Also consumption of fuel per kilometer is not that much high.One who is looking for high speed driving, I dont think Fascino is good option for them.Overall I will say Fascino has cutting edge over looks but if you see performance its performance is average.