Its good to see that the long forgotten beast back, now he is back and this time with a BANG!! The FAZER 250 is not going to let us down. Well I have been waiting to get my hands on the new Yamaha. Well let’s sit back and remember who ruled the 2 stroke bike market? It was the, YAMAHA. I am so glad that we YAMAHA clan will get prouder and stronger... Bravo Folks!!!NO 1 can build a better bike, RX & RD have haunted the streets and would continue to haunt again this time with a FAZER 250. I have been planning on upgrading my RX100 to a new one, now this definitely has to be a Yamaha. Bajaj auto, do things that your good at, like making auto (rickshaw), hehe....get back to your drawing boards. Its time for the rest to eat dirt... Pulsars get out of the way, because you guys suck!!