It is pouring like never before and we are not complaining at all. The dust has all settled down, the highways washed out of all the muck and oil and the green is everywhere. And that means highway time for us motorcyclists. Now that we know how the Yamaha FZ S 2.0 fares in It has been two weeks of commute to office on the FZ and each time I park it, walk off and turn back for a glance, it looks nice. The FZ has been carrying these looks for ever and I thought I would get bored of those by now! Also, after getting the chain slack fixed and The FZ series of motorcycles has been a steady seller for Yamaha primarily because of those big-bike looks. When the FZ-16 first hit the Indian roads in 2008, there was nothing with such a muscular profile and stout wheels which made it one of the favourite urban