I purchased this bike last year in the month of July because I love sports bikes. Earlier I owned Yamaha FZS 2012 version. The moment this version was launched I sold my old bike in order to upgrade so I did, and I am very happy with the decision of upgrading it. Yamaha always lives up to my expectations with its every launch and this upgrade wasnt any strange for me either. I prefer Yamaha mainly for two reasons one surdyness with sporty looks. The second this I like Yamaha bikes is their immatchable features such as, fuel injection technology, beast like horse power.
The best part about this bike I like most is its pickup within seconds, this bike starts talking with air. It has amazing pick up, within seconds from zero to 70 kilometer per hour speed can be easily achieved. Handling is very good in this bike. Fuel injection technology has helped alot in increasing mileage which was the only concern I had with this bike.
If you are a sports bike lover look no further and get settled.