Fz lovers this is vivek its been 2 months n Im enjoying ma ride on fzs n here is bit suggestion for you guys... After 2nd service day itself in service point I installed k&n.
Filtermodel rc1060 which cost me Rs.1550.. after it I think no words to say about it its really a monster as it wanna just go n rule the roads..yaaaa great pik up n surprisingly im getting mileage 45 - 47 in cityride n 50 - 52 on highways but for sure it depends on ur riding style.
The mileage will not gets down at all.. as I felt n following maintainthe speed in btwn 60 - 70 to get good mileage if you maintain the speed50-60 ul get around 45-47.. n let me make a note its not actuallydepends on speed or gear its actually the rpm for best results be @4k-6k rpm where you"ll get good mileage..... thank you guys try it outma suggestion cos it works....