This is my first review of some thing that I have driven 18000 KMS till now and of which I have thoroughly enjoyed
Mine was one of the very first bikes in Hyderabad. I waited eagerly for this bike for close to a month , reading reviews and comments on the net . The bikes unique , its done the same thing what CBZ had done when it came out , create a new genre .But enough of me describing the bike , let me describe my 1.5 year and 18000 KM owning the bike .
The bike is very good in terms of grip thanks to its huge rear wheel and suspension. Yamaha had read the mind of the average Indian very aptly but they forgot the bike needs to ride on road not in the minds. They should have thought what happens when this huge rear wheel meets Indian road bump, any guess ?
Punctures yes that is right a puncture resistant tire can get puncture thanks the design.The thing is Yamaha thought very well about the styling and ways to make the bike weight less by introducing a tubeless rear wheel but they forgot about putting some glue in the wheel to make it stick to the rim. The problem is not that the tire has a puncture but it loses air from gaps in the grip with the rim.
Easy fix put a tube in it ! ( cost ~200 bucks )
The bike engine is good , its mid torque engine hence it has good torque , some thing you would not expect from a Yamaha bike (typical Yamaha is known for its pickup). The bike is very smooth through the gears thanks to the silencer being kept under the engine thus reducing the vibrations. It can easily reach 90 km with out any struggle but then you will be getting a mileage in the figures of twenties. The max mileage I could get of the bike is about 38 thanks to my sober driving .
I have to say the electronics of the bike is excellent no need to maintain the battery at least till 16000 km and still the head light and self work spotless.
Finally the bike is good for a enthusiast who likes to run around alone but for some looking for some company this is not the bike for you .
Last but not least this bike does not have resale value so if your putting all your savings into it , better rethink your strategy .