Hello guys
I m using fz16 for two years and I m not happy because
after buying it I did face many problems like poor mileage, poor performance, poor servicing and many more
I was really excited when I got my FZ-16 but after few months the performance was down and I was seriously
not happy. First I m a student and I will surely wants that everything should work cheap for me. But with my fz it always says NO.
when I bought fz I didnt ask many people I bought it because it looks like ducatti and I was seriously was a big fan of that.ut my FZ didt met my expectation. The problems I faced first-mileage was seriously very poor for 150cc bike it was 25km/l. Performance decreased as I continued using it. Breaks were was ok. And the main problem I was facing was the fuel meter. It was not working fine from when I bought it. I did changed what the company said but after that also it was the same. And still I m facing that issue.
Servicing to be frank I would have spended more than 35K on this bike but still I m not happy with this. the poor mileage performance and many things yaar. Seriously I m fed up with this bike and when ever I go to
servicing center I generally pay Rs700(paid servicing) including to the guys who do service to my bike.he didnt do it well. I have given him so much money but still no effect on the bike.
So guys I would not recommend you to buy fz16 instead buy another one. Or fz 16 V 2.0 But only after reviewing it and having talked to the customer who already is using it.
thank you.!