I picked Gladiator after much search and research. I fell for Gladiator JA definitely for the looks of it and YAMAHA ofcourse. But somehow the Bike never lived upto my expectations. It always had problems. Mileage was as per my expectation but where it failed me was in handling and power. I really dont know if only the machine which I owned had this problem or was it a common thing.
The handling part was that the bike used to wobble at speeds in the range of 30-40 while accelarating in the 3rd gear. Worst when there was a pillion rider! And on the highways and curves crusing was not easy due to this. Checked all the basic stuff in the mechanics manual to get rid of this problem but failed! Definitely for a bike from YAMAHA stable this should not be the case!
And power, yes expectation will be hight as it is YAMAHA product, but even in the city limits or in the highways it could not even beat its family memeber crux. Yes the top speed I could attain was 95KMPH. Nothing more than that.
I hope there is someone who can share some technical details which I can use to improve my bike performance.