Me and my friends having these vehicles, Crux S, Libero G5, Gladiator, Gladiator with ESi have riden these vehicles apart, I also have drived bajaj discover dts-i, pulsar dts-i1. Gear shift: its the best method and easy method of gear shift available in yamaha, => On Start, its easy one is to kick on (or) push is the easy and first any human go for if he is riding a vehicle.=>Gear Up: Easy to pull up rather than push it down =>
Gear Down: Easy to push rather than pull it up.this is one of the main feature of an yamaha.> its well suited for any one, a best vehicle for a long driveSuitable For:person who likes to go fast, or who likes to go around 40-50 km/hr .About Gladiator:Without much throttle or Your Effort vehicle will reach 70Km/hr at the click of the 5th Gear.without any adherence it will reach 70km/hr.Comfort:Best Pillion comfort. till 70km/hr pillion will not feel the air cruise.
My Understandingjust like car do not stop ignition when its on Gear.before ignition set to off always keep engine idle (ignition running) for a minute.before moving always keep engine running 9idle0 for a minute.Drop Ur Comments, Any Questions ready To AnswerSrinivas.R