Hey frnds, I am back with about 250 Kms of experience on my brand new Gladiator John special. Though still I am in love with looks of the bike perticularly black alloys, with silver strips, I found some intresting things about it. Firstly the question which everyone is asking about the engin heating, well its not as much as discussed previously. rather I found it at the same level as compared to my bajaj Caliber Chroma. Next thing I found was a small oil filter just below the patrol tank, I found it quite unusual but the sales person explained that as the patrol comes from the tank, it filters out any impurity like mud ect and then passes on for the combustion. About the real tyre, yeah its bit thin but is comparable in this segment of bikes (125 cc) though I have not yet gone for the stats.
i found gears bit tight but hope it will smoothen up as time passes, regarding after sale service, I will be able to comment only after 1st service.