Hey guys, I got this bike YAMAHA GALDIATOR125CC 15days back n am very happy with the bikes smoothness, its road grip, self start n disc brakes.. but about milage I am not very happy coz I think its givin me btw 40 to 45 km/l...but 1 of my friends who also owns the bike says the bike will give excellent milage after 1st service, so lets wait n c... the cusioning of the seat is also excellent, n the handles give the ultimate comfort while ridin........
But guys if u r in want of STylE at low cost Glady is the perfect choice...i ill not suggest ne other bike b coz none come wid style at this cost
the lighting of the bike is very wel designed n the light is very bright n is well directed.. the rare indicator lights r fixed next 2 the main light n this reduces the chances of them brakin apart..