I was ardent fan of TVS bikes, till now I was riding victor , and next on my target was TVS Flame but different reviews & controversy about twin spark plug pulled me back at the last moment.Thanks to mouthshut for helping me make up my mind.
I was about to purchase honda CBZ , when I just clicked on the site n saw this bike with so much good ratings.It has got some amazing color combos, really cool looks, very smooth drive with power. One can bring it to life with a single kick or the push of self start button.All in all very much like a sports bike but still gracious.
Only thing I found bit dissapointing in the starting was the sound of the engine , it was more like a scooter, but gradually over 2-3 monhts it has become bit better.As far as fuel consumtion is concerend cant comment much as mine has run some 600 Kms , but still its managing around 45Kmpl (Guess might improve with time)Unfortunately the post sales service is REALLY BAD.dealer doesnt care.
They charge whatever they feel for free services , which are mandatory to get full warranty. first free service cost me 500/ Yamaha doesnt care for its customers.please check dealers at your city begore going for it.