I booked my Gladi ss with Panache motors, CMH Rd in Bangalore today. After reading lot of good reviews from MS, I decided to go for Gladi
Gladiator SS-52, 650/- Without Accessories
Got Leg Guard & Seat cover free
Need to pay some Rs 250/- as I dont have a permanent address in Bangalore
Stay tuned for further reviews, I will get my Gladi tomorrow..........
Till then good bye...
===Update after 2 days====
Hi guys,
I got the bike next day I booked(though I had to wait in show room for 2 more hrs), with number plate, registration everything done, when I took bike home, everything was fine and I was enjoying every bit of it, all the features are excellent, as many has reported , I too got bit pain in wrist & shoulder, may be I have to get used to it.
Day 1:
I tried to start my gladi in the morining to go to office, it started at first button press itself, what I found next is the moment I applied First Gear and released clutch, the bike moved bit and lost power, Im sure this is something weird, but I hope no much great problems. I read the Owners manual carefully and noticed that in case of misfire, I have to take the vehicle to a mechanic without riding a kilometer. Not sure if its misfire. I thought may be its a new bike that could be the problem. But it was only in the beginning, after riding(say 200-300 mts), it was not giving any problem at all, first gear gave the full strength, the bike was moving with full power(I have always made sure, it does not cross 4k rpm as pointed out by MS reviewers)
Day 2:
It was no different, but this time when started, moment I gave accelarator, it stopped.I tried to start in self, without giving accelerator, but the moment I apply accelarator, it stopped. I had to apply choke, and it started, when I applied first gear, it again gave the same problem, as if it was losing the power and bike was not even moving when I give accelareator and it stopped.
Im not sure if I have to take it to service station(it has just finished 25 km) now, if any of you have had similiar problem, please let me know, Im very eager to know how you fixed it.
Im not discouraging anyone from buying gladi, may be I would be the first to expereince such problems among you, but any help is appreciated. Any ways Im planning to take her to yamaha service station tomorrow