It is almost an year with my glady. so what to say. I have done 9000 odd KM on the bike. it is not a lot in an year. But I think its good to evaluate the bike.
OK the Bike is good and I am satisfied with it. Low end pic up is not very impressive but okay. The perfomance between 5000 and 7000 RPM is really impressive. So its a pleasure to cruise on the highway. It very is to overtake and can reach 80km within no time from 50Km. But there after it lags a lot. But you can cross taking 100 some time. BUt you can cruise at 80 without any stress or effort.
Brakes are realy good .Front disk is excellent. you wont wish for a better set on the bike. And ride is very good and rock solid. You have have a secure feeling riding this bike. Your composure will not be affected by the odd pothole or stones on the road.
The mileage I am getting is not very good. I am getting anything between 45 to 55 on the city which include day long parking under the hot sun. I took the bike for a milage check at the service centre on two times and they ran the bike 6.7 KM with 100ML of petrol with me sitting as pillion. But on the high way we can get proper mileage if drove it carefully. I got 60+KMpl on couple of long highway trips with speed limited to 60KMPH. If you go above that the mileage drops considerably.
Well then with maintanace and servicing. No major complaints so far. The front brake light switch and clutch switch gone dead and has to be replaced. OHh once the speedo cable also broke and has to be replaced. The spares are not costly and readily available with the showroom.
But yamaha service is not at all satisfiying. they didnt ask me any thing about the bike just filling the form with a serious attitude. you can get a better reception on a GOVT office. Servicing also is not good . I have the serviced feeling on the bike only twice. On the second and Fifth service. On other services , I dont think they done anything other than changing the oil.
any way I am satisfaid with my glady but not with the YAMAHA service personal Thanks to everyone who read this thanks guys
Hi guys SEP2008
I am back, My bike had done 2200Km and back from the second service.It is doing excelent and apart from milege I am very happy about it.
Unlike the first service this time they done a good job on service. The bike has a smooth and fresh feel when I took it back. They lubricated the chain and cables adjusted the clutch and done much more, I think.
I asked about the milege and they still say they cant do anything before the 3 service. so I insisted on checking the milege and they done it in my presence. It ran 6.1 Km with 100 a steady 40 kh. But the mechanic himself was not satisfied with it and promised to tune it properly once the third service is over. He says the company treats the Guarenty as void if tampered the Carb before that. So I dcided it is better not to take the risk. As of now I am getting 50+OR - 2 Km That is 93 to 98 KM for 100 Rs petrol ie 1.9ltr here .
But the auto Magazine road tests both Of Overdrive and Bike India says it gives 65 Plus in city and 75 Plus on highways. So let us wait and see what happends once the third service is over.
As of perfomence the pickup up to 80 is pretty good if you shift around 7000 Rpm then it lags a bit but you can hit 100 on any decent stretch. I havent rode it above that but the road test say the top speed is 108 odd. The gear box is really smooth now I think it smoothed out as the KM got on
Bye for now keep comenting
Thanks for every body who posted their comments and views