I am a big fan of Yamahas vehicles. And this MX135 is a game changer. According to me its the most powerful moped Yamaha has ever made. The older Yamaha Jupiter was 4gear but this has five and looks very dashing. Both front and back wheels have disk breaks, looks are similar but just made more stylish. When I drove this new version of Jupiter uphill it climbed like an Enfield.
Engine sound is low and works swiftly. My friend also gas same cubic centimeter bike but my bike is faster than his. Well it has to to, its a Yamaha product. The price is a bit higher than other mopeds will you will never complain about the price after test driving this mopes. I think Yamaha has simply outdone itself in making a day to day using two wheeler. I am very happy that I bought mine. And I am sure no one will regret buying this amazing automobile.