Its a good byk im feeling proud to own 1 of it its good looking that can catch a eye of every 1 standing on the road my byk is giving an avg mileage of 35-40 0n the like hyderabad.
I want 2 say test drive it n u will be pleased to own 1 of it.its a 150cc byk providing u a power of 22bhp n its a liquid cooled 4 valve engine type this byk can b not only used by youngsters but also by their parents ageng frm 40+ while drivivg the byk be confident about ur riding plz wear a head guard[its none other than helmet] n a guard which protect ur gives you a speed of 60 mph in less than half a minute n it provides u good control of 100-0mph in a fraction of seconds.
The feauters that I dont like in dis byk r its rear wheel base n its style how it looks from the back side the rear view of this motor byk is as common as an ordinary byk of India