I know this will offend the yamaha fanboys.but this is not that impressive a looker.With the exception the the front panel covering the engine(which I love).everything else seems ordinary.the monoshocks are a nice touch but thats already there in the Honda unicorns.
I think the Comet 250cc was more impressive but just launched at the wrong time by the wrong company.It seems yamaha is in a hurry to get out these bikes to capture the market share but it looks like they have not done their groundwork.I visited their website and tried to call their mumbai dealers listed on their page only to find out that none of the numbers were working.I also visited alibhai premji today and they tell me that yamaha is struggling to find dealers in Mumbai.Im sure the R15 will sell well.but I think its only because we guys are starved with bad looking motorbikes.
I wish yamaha had brought truly truly revolutionary styling like the R125(search on google images) instead of playing safe and bringing R15.I also shudder to think about the spares and service centers of yamaha.While its great that they have taken the initative and open the gates for better bikes and wish they had done better groundwork and improved their service centers and agents.
As for me.Im waiting till the end of this year to decide on the bike im buying.