I took my Yamaha R15 for the second service to Pacer Motors on Infantry Road. There was no problem whatsoever with the bike. But after the service I found the rear brake in very bad condition. It was totally ineffective. The floor mechanic told me it would get better after I ride a few kms. Even after that it did not get better. Then when I went back he said he will look into it. I left the bike there for about 2 hours . I got back and the brakes were in the same condition.
I told the mechanic that if he could not rectify the problem I will get it myself at another dealer and complain to yamaha about the problem. He told me to leave the bike and come back in an hours time. This time around when I got back I found that the brakes were in perfect condition and I asked the mechanic what was wrong and he told me that the pads had been damaged. I wonder how the brakes were in good condition the previous day and if there was a problem with the brake pad why did they not notice it while servicing the bike???
It seems that they just replaced somebody elses old pads with my new ones, and after my threats of taking them to task, they finally yielded and got it rectified. Can somebody tell me which is the least dishonest yamaha service centre in Bangalore? because my 3rd free service is approaching soon.