I just had a look at all the reviews of R15 by everyone,
I noticed that every are one are talking about the looks, speed, comfort
but one thing to say that at low beam only one head lamp glows(left one)
I came to know that if the right head lamp is on, it will affect the view of
on coming traffice comming from opposite direction(also the same abroad)
is it true?
As I own R15, Iam really happy with the perfomance of the machine although
the engine seems to be a little tight.
- The looks are cool, great accelaration, pick up fantastic, Power packed liquid cooled engine
handling & grip the best for Indian roads, I could almost touch my knee on a normal turn,
Yamaha has come back with a bang.
Few disadvantages
-Rear looks are hurting me a lot(especialy the tyre)
-While riding the palms bear the stress(not sure if comfortable for long rides)
-horn sounds like a HONDA ACTIVA
-Tail lights look very much alike RTR-APACHE
-Black bike has less stickering at the streamlined Plastics compared to the blue one.
-The exhaust does not sound like a sports bike.
However something is better than nothing
Can afford one.
Can some one tell me is it possible to change the rear tyre to a broader one and
the Rim as well?
(how much would it cost?)