The new era has started now in India for fast biking, and I feel that this era will last long as all the companies are planning to launch their super and hyper bikes in India. Talking about R15, I firstly saw it in autoExpo, 08 in New Delhi. There were a few more bikes like R1, MT03 and all. But at the first look at R15, I absolutely disliked it. it seemed like Yamaha R1 has a younger brother with polio. Dont take me otherwise but I have driven R1 MT03 and all.
One day I thought to test Pulsar 220 and Yamaha R15. I will say that bajaj Pulsar still has the upper hand on R15 though it has 6 gears and all stuff. But adding more on R15, they have done a very very good try to make a look some what like R1. and No doubts about Yamaha Engine. It is always the best.