The yamaha product is so good but the service center is so worst. Before this I havent seen a service center like this (service center: paras yamaha, thousand lights, anna salai, Chennai-600006.)in this service center they will steal the logo and disc brake pads and etc..
I asked that logo but they said its came from tank only and after that service center mathan is talk to me I will put mail to yamaha and brought that logo to you but till now I ask he said I put lot of mail but no response.
i have R15 version 2.0 limited edition (white) they steal my limited edition logo is on top of my tank in first free service itself and I leave my bike for fourth service in 4000kms in good condition they change my back disc pads and put the old disc pads and give the bike me after that I hear some noise from my back disc in 2 days again I took my bike to that service center they said disc pad have to be replace. So first select they good service center and then buy the yamaha product.