Buy this becausse it could afford to that price. but it is not value for money money product. I am not at all satisfied from that bike. first of all is has a very low mileage.
Yamaha company told me their mileage for 50 km/l. but truth is that I has a mileage of 25 km/l. that what disappointed me most.
Secondly, when you drive this bike for lond distances, your back will start paining. there is no solution for that as its seat is made such like that. third, its power is less. its only 150cc. bike is very less than others in the same price range. its all body is made of plastic.
All I like is its cool and funky look, moreover it has coolent in its which make it cool down and doesnt let is hot. it has disk breaks in front and rear tyres. That are the good things I like about it. people who can afford its petrl costs should.