Do u think Escorts Yamaha RX100 is a K-I-N-G on Indian roads ?
Youre wrong since the bike was released when no other bike had a capacity or bhp compared to this bike ! thats why this bike had to be crowned !
Ill tell you how my friend naresh who owned one had had it lil modified by changing its rear tyre and a sports silencer ( a very good one ), short handle bar and sports side mirrors, a very very well maintained bike.
Commng to my bike I had a 180 dtsi I modified my side mirrors just like him ( thats all ) he told me I am the king of the road no one can beat me so we planned to put a race.
Let me tell u the route this is a stretch road for a bt 1.5 kms then u - turn then again to the same point, so total 3 kms, we put a race for 3 laps, this raod is in hyd - and the road is called kbr park road, u can ask any one abt this road.
So we started the race, and bfore that let me tell u the bike configs :
Yamaha : 2stroke , 100cc , 14.6 bhp ( I guess ) and a very lite body
Pulsar : 4 stroke , 180cc , 16.7bhp ( I guess ) and a heavy body
The race started : my friend yamaha had a good pick up till the speed of 20 kms then I beat him like hell then went on I touched 100 in less than 12 secs and took a very sharp u turn then picked up. I think u can gues what happened, my friend overtook me again in the turning bcoz he has a 2 stroke engine he will have a very good pickup.
He was in 60 so I passed him as if nothing happened ! he was just looking at me. So at last I won the race. Do u know what happened my tappet setting was out bcoz I pulled out the max power limit frm my baby.
With this u can prove that 2-stroke bikes have initial pickup and slow running pickup.
so any quest and comments ur welcome.