Yamaha x100 is very good bike with very low prize rate . the bike have buy all people how live form normal and average family person.The bike have very good design and matlic body with many many fuctions feed in this bike . Yamaha gives a gift for normal peoples how cannot affort high range of bike .
The bike I have useds from 6 years .Bike have very good hand control . The sheet of this bike is to large maximum 3 pople stting comfatable with easy . The headlight of bike is very good form other low rate prize bkies . The yamaha p[rovided a good bike for use.
The Mileage of this low rate bike is also very good .Bike runing 65k/m per 1litter this is the best of best mileage at low rate of bike.
The bike have good street grip and reailvbilty of this bike is very good .The ground grip of this bike good and also very good brikes to stops the bike emjatly.the overall bike is too much good at low rate bkies.
The overall bike is very good I rcomede to all buy this bike and enjoy our life.
Thanks Yamaha to gives a very good girft for us.
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