Hey Guys Or I can Say Kings of the Greatest Bike "YAMAHA Rx-100".........
Today I wanna share some of my view on the comfort of Yamaha Rx-100......Actually few days back it started paining me in my backbone...... as u all know Yamaha is having only a single Disadvantage which is not barable ............. so I was Fedup with the comfort of my bike and decided to change its shocks (REAR) ..............At first I thought that my shocks r gone ..........So , I took my shocks for servicing and to make it Softer ....... But after coming to the last limit of its softness it was not Comfortable ............. And on asking to the Mechanics about changing its Shocks with the other one (Of Different Bike) they said , "U will Loose the balance of the bike and the controlling of the bike will also change......The Mechanic Xplained me in such a way that I was satisfied with his Sayings ....... As he said if U change its Shocks to a Smoother one like Passion or Splendors .............. At the time when u will take the Instant Pickup the Power of the Bike is such Great that the force will Totally gets On the Backside of the Bike ......... which is for Sure is Shocks Absorber .......... He also said while taking turns u can fall off the Bike as u take a Pickup there too.... so most of the mechanics said me the same thing and they have also said if u dont want its pickup so ride slowly and get comfort by changing the new Shocks (Not Yamahas Brand) so that time I have decided to change its Shocks with a passion Plus Shocks ........... So I bought them from a Servicing shop in Xchange of the Yamahas Old Shocks for Rs 400/- Only ........So, I got a Brand New Shock Absorber in Xchange which was of "Passion Plus"........
And Now Believe me it Doesnt Bring any changes in the controlling of my bike as it was said by a Mechanic that it will make a change......... actually a Brand New Passion Plus Shock absorber at Showroom of HeroHonda is at a price of Rs 950/- only Inclusive all Taxes............ And in the Market it is for Rs 750/- Exclusive all Taxes........and I have bought it for Rs 400/- only in Xchange ..........
So I mean to say the mechanic dont Have such Idea about the Balance of this Bike and want themselves to show something Greater in front of Us ........... And now as I have changed my Shocks I Doesnt feel that im riding a bike without Ne Comfort.......... It gives u a total comfort as Passion Plus Gives ......... So , I prefer U people to change Ur Shock Absorber with Passion Plus ones if u feel that ur King is not giving u Ne Comfort .............. And one more thing change the "Silent Block" too which is in the Suspension , which is "U" Shaped.........Coz it Plays a Major role in the Moment of Shock Absorber .......I have also changed the Silent Block ...........U can Also change the Shock Absorber with the Pulsar DTSI ones..................but only if it is an "AIR shock" but this is very Xpensive (Rs 1250/-) at the Showroom and in the market too ...... I prefer u the passion Plus Ones as it is comfortable and Affordable.......... I have also Written a Review before which is now rated by 121 viwers and has rated by a Veryuseful TAG ....... So im Thankful to U all 4 Viewing my Reviews and rating them ................ Follow Me And get the Comfort to the Max....!!!
Take care of Ur Bike and of Urselves too..