This piece of machinery is art to many bike lovers and I will tell you why? launched in the year 1985 when all yamaha products were failing, this beast created the hailstorm with its then powerful engine and class.I own this this beast and I am sure all the bike lovers atleast own one in their life.It is a classic example of why class never dies, even today the craze for this beast is same from the beginning.These are the points I want you to notice: 1)The mileage is not too good as it gives 35kmpl which not that good as compared to other bike.
2)As for one person who is driving will be always comfortable to drive.
3)People can trust this beast after the sweet sound which it makes make people go crazy.SO much reliable.
4)Excellent road grip and brakes do work well.
5)The looks are stunning as for any bike lover it gives you a mass appeal.
People who want a beast to ride can sure give it a try.