Your first bike. How many sleepless nights we must have spent deciding on which bike to get.
During those days anyone who has a bike and more so the people who own the bike you have a soft corner towards; become your best friends.
It happened to me also and this was 3 yrs back (no pulsars or eliminators then) finally decided to throw all the rational thoughts and went in for what my heart and my pocket (since dad was paying for it). And it was a Yamaha. To be exact the 5 speed version of RX.
Went to the show room and paid for the bike brought it back home.
Then started my love for my bike.
The pickup, speed thrill is unbeatable.
Cannot give you the specifics of the bike (not in production any more either) but the pleasure of overtaking those burly and rude trucks on the highways of Mangalore to udipi with minimum effort really made me feel like the king of the road.
I would spend every waking moment thinking of the bike. Clean it service wax... I went the extra lengths to take care of it and it has not disappointed me at all. Maintenance is none at all.
In the 3 years since I bought the bike I may have spent very minimum of repairs apart from the usual service. Parts were cheap compared to other makes of 2 wheelers.
My only major expense now would be to replace the battery.
The design and the looks are like the older models just the switchgear is a bit better much better horn then the prev models.
My experience so far has been one of pure joy.
My wife treats the bike and my second wife and actually competes with it for my attention :-0
The ride is good with the bigger rear tires.
Though the gears could be a problem at low speeds in higher gears and would require shifting to a lower gear to pick up and zoom
The only problem with the 5 speed is it mileage.
Gives me at best 30-33 in the city but on highways have got 50 if driven in the green economy zone. I guess the 4-speed version takes care of that.
Top speed 110 (factory claim) but the Speedo does cross 100 quite easily and can be seen edging towards 110 on a level road (with a bit of downward slope touches it also).
All I can say unless I cannot afford to pay for her drinking habits this bike is here to stay with me..........