I bought SS125 one year before and finished 6500km. Pros of this vehicle:
1) Stability ( I hit 105km/h at Bangalore Nice road and no vibration, no irritating silencer sound even after keeping the vehicle at same pace kilometers - Many days I done the same, but the performance doesnt have any variation).
2)Superb braking(Discs are amazing and even the back drums too.)
3)Good pickup - you can compete with pulsar 150 if you keep the torque in good pace)
4)In weekends I used to go upto 90kms (sometimes) and not feeling any back pain nor riding difficulties in highways.
5)Awesome styling (especially on engine guard and fuel tanks).
6)Good aerodynamic design.
7)Horns loud enough or sometimes little higher.
8)Good pinion comfort. Corns:
1)Mileage - 40-45km/l(40 at cities where goes on 45 at highways - checked this at highway at 50km/h- done after finishing 2000kms - vehicle never hit 70km/h at that time). But the mileage is constant still after 6000km.
2)Irritating noise on silencer if the bike is between 60-80km/h. Get smoothen after 80km/h(funny phenomenon! but dont know why?) [but sound is silent in less than 60km/h)
3)Light intensity is less for front lamp.
4)Bad front lamp design.
5) Poor gear performance (most of the time, from 2nd to 1st, gear fall on neutral ).
6)Need good instrument cluster design. Iam in automotive field and done some comparisons. But overall the performance is outstanding in comparison with its competitors. About milege, when I searched, some are getting better where some receives bad like me. I felt Yamaha needs more care in milege along with its outstanding product styling and performance.