OK, first of all, I do understand the viewpoint of all those fans of classic, avant-garde and artistic movies. I know they are suckers for such stuff and nothing wrong with that! Everybody has a right to decide how he or she wants to spend two hours of their life. whether by watching a film like this, and feel all knotted up, exhilerated and superior about their own capability to enjoy such art or by watching something else like, ummm.Sunny Deol(?) or Kader Khan!
I am not going to talk more about this movie, plot etc. You can read that in other reviews. I am just writing about one question that came to my mind after watching it. Why, how and for whom are these kinds of movies made.I mean whats the point?
Perhaps this question itself is pointless.but what the hell.this is just a blog for me.
Actually, I can not help but smile to myself, when I imagine the reaction of a member of the masses, or a tapori.who by mistake entered to watch this movie instead of some road romeo or Sunny Deol flick."Kya.Bhed Chutiyapa picture hai!".ha ha ha! SO of course these movies are not made for them. Maybe they should put a warning sign outside."If you dont understand art movies or if you dont like pretending you like them for the sake of your own ego or to impress others.please dont watch!" Maybe they should have a new certification class for these movies, instead of U or UA or A they should be "NM-Not for masses".
Again, why do people like Ghose make these movies.I am sure with their experience they know that masses are not going to watch this. Perhaps their answer is " Look, I am making this movie primarily for myself. I am a person with a artistic bend of mind, away from all the materialism and nonsense in todays world.I make these movies because.I enjoy making them.they give me a sense of superiority.of not wasting my time.of making something creative and hatke.I dont really care if people watch it or not! Someday you and the world will realize my genious. but I will be long gone and .bla bla bla"
But Cinema is a commercial and expensive medium. Or is it not? How does Ghose fit his artistic urges within the constraints of financial realities? How does he manage to at least recoup the film making expenses? Maybe, I dont know this, any damn film you make and put in theatres earns you enough cash to balance accounts in a day(practical life of such films in theatres). Someone should enlighten me about the economics of this!
Or maybe there are special art movie-financers, who dont mind a loss.so long as they feel all arty and have goose bumps about being the producers of such art! But I highly doubt that!
Why did I watch the movie?.It was 11PM.I was bored.could not sleep.and found this movie on the internet(free of course!).Maybe I should have made another attempt to sleep instead.