I had to go all the way to the CEO Dhruv Shringi to get a international ticket booked for my mom 20 days after full payment was made !
Will never use them again !!!!
Here is the email I sent to every yatra.com email address I could find online.
Dear Sir,
Writing this email to all of you in the hope that someone can solve the problem of my booking with Yatra.com. If you can please help me by forwarding this email to someone responsible @ yatra.com.
I have never dealt with a worse travel agent ever before. I have collected your email addresses from the internet and please consider this a humble request for help from a harassed Yatri.
Brief Timeline of case:
1) 23th April 2010 - I call up with an enquiry for flights to
Australia (as Yatra website advertised a 10% discount on the fare). I
ask for specific flights as I already have one ticket and I am buying
an additional ticket on the same flight for another family member.
I am quoted what appeared to be a competitive fare of 39, 510 (All
inclusive, which includes 600 Rs of Yatra charges). I ask for a
written confirmation of the same and give my email address. The
executive promises to email me the itinerary in the next ten minutes.
Executive: soyam pramesh extn 23105
The Executive is not aware of the 10 % Discount on Quantas flights
advertised on Yatra homepage. The ad has changed again today and hence
I attach a copy of the ad as it appeared when I made the booking. I
remind him and he promises to look and come back.
Point 2 - 10 is a repeat performance of insensitive call center reps who didnt know what they were doing ? dont care and dont listen to what the customtakeouter is saying.
Countless phone calls and 14 days later I still dont have my ticket..........
11) Maninder calls me back saying the Airline has no tickets available
and she offers to make a full refund. AFTER wasting my time for 14
days now she says she will offer me an alternative flight. I point
out to her that I cannot accept any other flight as I am booking an
additional ticket for my mother to travel with my wife who already has
a ready ticket which cannot be changed.
She says shes sent a request to the Airline and will wait for a response,
12) Someone else calls me back the same evening and offers to change
flights , she says I would have to pay extra to travel on the same
flights, else they can divert me through Brisbane on the same fare.
I point out that I was quoted a different itinerary and explain the
whole thing again.
13) I ask to speak to a supervisor and the supervisor Veena again
tries to sell me on a different itinerary; I explain again why it is
not acceptable. I ask for an email address where I can send a
complaint in writing and am told the same address (which hasn’t
replied to my questions from 10 days ago)
I ask for a live persons email address, or email address of Dhruv
Shringhi she refuses saying it is confidential and after much haggling
gives me her own email veena.arora@yatraonline.com .
She promises again that she is talking to the airline for the ticket
and for the moment I can take a different itinerary or take a FULL
14) Maninder calls me up @ 12:00 pm and promises that that she is
talking to the airline for the ticket and for the moment I can take a
different itinerary or take a FULL REFUND !!! She says she has been
speaking to the airline every hour and will have her supervisor call
me back in 5 minutes.
It has been more than an hour since her call and not surprisingly no
one has called me back. At 3:30 Pm today her shift will end and
Maninder will go back home leaving me struck, and I would be left to
deal with some insensitive person who would just as easily say that
Maninder will call me back tomorrow.
I am writing this email as a humble request to all of you, IF you know
anyone with any responsibility and sense of ownership about Yatra.com
could you please fwd my email to them. I am struck now as I all the
low fare tickets available online are sold out and Yatra.com has left
me hanging in between.
There is nothing I can do if Yatra turn around and say they cannot
issue the ticket and can only do a refund. I have wasted 14 days of
time , the mental tension of following up with Yatra and bear the
burden of all this additional cost when I could have comfortably done
the same with my traditional travel agent who would have also done the
visa application for me.
Can I please request fair treatment and expect to get what I paid for
in full in advance ! An Airticket on the promised itinerary at the
promised price ! is it too much to ask when I have made the payment
for the inflated price within 15 mins of receiving a written quote.
Thanks for your kind reading and any assistance,
i got a reply back for this email from the CEO Dhruv Shringi and the matter was resolved in the next day. Lucky that I was able to send an email to him, he is the only one in the company who seemed to care about customtakeouters.