A vivacious 17-year-old teenager, Pooja has been brought up with middle class, traditional values and beliefs. But like most teenagers today she is also exposed to everything modern as well. She respects what her family stands for but at the same time she wishes to spread her wings and fly. She is constantly struggling to make her two worlds meet?one of traditional values and culture??backward rules? and the other of individual thinking and opinions?old fashion about educating girls ?.
She therefore epitomizes the struggle and constant endeavour of a majority of the middle class Indian youth?to be able to embrace tradition as well as adapt to a fast evolving world.
Pooja takes her first bold step towards fulfilling her dream of becoming a film director by making the decision to join a hip n? happening college like St. Martin?s while keeping her father in the dark about this. When Pooja enters the awe-inspiring yet strange world of St. Martin?s with her best friend Mandy, they are immediately thrown into a world of myriad experiences; a culture that is alien, modern and sometimes shocking.
On her very first day in college, the simple and straightforward, Pooja comes face to face with the hip and high-class students of St. Martins?s and is made intensely aware of her middle class looks and attitudes. But, ever optimistic, she not only accepts this new world but decides to take everything in her stride. Here begins Pooja?s journey of constantly learning from this newfound society while keeping herself untouched by its worldliness.
The fire and desire within her to make her mark in the film industry drives and inspires her through thick and thin. Modern in approach and dynamic in thinking, Pooja struggles with her orthodox family and economic barriers; sometimes succeeding, sometimes failing?sometimes confident, sometimes fraught with insecurities?sometimes crying, sometimes laughing but yet always emerging a winner!