Ive been a fan of Yebhi right from the bigshoebazaar days.They always had the best collection of shoes at great discounted prices.Over time they even added a decent collection of clothes and now you can even buy electronic and other items from them.However as theyve grown, the quality of their products especially shoes and some clothes seem to have come down.
I purchased some Nike and Fila shoes and their soles come out just after a months use.A Florsheim slipper I bought the other day turned out to be defective; I could return it though because I hadnt used it. A couple of times their Puma trousers turned out to be old stock which had their color run out along the fold lines.When I returned them for a replacement, they sent the same trousers back, ridiculous!Then there were some "W" brand kurtas that turned out to be factory seconds with disproportionate/irregular fitting.
It has got to the point that I am now very wary and hesitant to buy any decent sneaker or clothes.Yeah they do give a replacement but why go through the trouble when I can easily buy from a more reliable Myntra.And also I am not so rich that I can afford to throw away a pair of Nikes after just a months use.
Yebhi should really put some quality control checks in place if they want to retain their customers.